Listary backup
Listary backup

2016年11月30日—CurrentlyyoucanbackupandrestoreListarysettingsmanually....PleaseexitListarybeforebackinguporrestoringsettings.Listary的论坛上 ...,2016年9月3日—Hi,isitpossibletobackupmysettings?Thesettingswouldincludeprojectfolders,favourites,keywo...

Listary Docs


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【工具】[Listary] 备份和导入Listary 配置原创

2016年11月30日 — Currently you can backup and restore Listary settings manually. ... Please exit Listary before backing up or restoring settings. Listary 的论坛上 ...

User configuration profile

2016年9月3日 — Hi, is it possible to back up my settings? The settings would include project folders, favourites, keywords and indexed folders.

ExportImport Settings

2021年8月27日 — So far (Listary haven't found an export option. But it should be possible to migrate settings manually by copying and then pasting/ ...

Lost settingspreferences

2021年2月17日 — I now backup my settings so ... I now backup my settings so that I can restore them if necessary (as I have just had to do). I shouldn't ...

Listary Docs

Listary is a revolutionary search utility for Windows that makes finding your files and launching apps blazing fast, for casual and power users alike.


在listary里设置了很多关键词,想说:如果我重装了系统该怎么还原这些设置呢? 处理办法:可备份:

如何备份和导入Listary 配置?

Currently you can backup and restore Listary settings manually. All settings of Listary are stored in one UserData folder. It's located in: Windows Vista/7/8/10 ...

高效能人士好評的Listary 中文版檔案搜尋十大招教學

2015年11月9日 — 「 Listary 」的主標語是:「Keep files at your fingertips ... 備份 Android投影 Google Play 電影 Google Tasks Google 智慧鏡頭 P2P傳 ...


Listary是一款用於Windows的檔案搜尋、定位的輔助軟體。它 ... 外部連結. 編輯 · 官方網站 · Listary作者訪談:自然成長,樸實幸福 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).


2016年11月30日—CurrentlyyoucanbackupandrestoreListarysettingsmanually....PleaseexitListarybeforebackinguporrestoringsettings.Listary的论坛上 ...,2016年9月3日—Hi,isitpossibletobackupmysettings?Thesettingswouldincludeprojectfolders,favourites,keywordsandindexedfolders.,2021年8月27日—Sofar(Listary6.3.0.71)haven'tfoundanexportoption.Butitshouldbepossibletomigratesettingsmanuallybycopyingandthenpas...

Find And Run Robot 2.239.01 快速執行小幫手

Find And Run Robot 2.239.01 快速執行小幫手


Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
